
PhotoVivo Singapore International Photography Award (PIPA)

Professional and Amateur Photographers from all over the world are cordially invited to take part in the PhotoVivo Singapore International Photography Award that is conducted in accordance with the recommended practices and rules of The Photographic Society of America (PSA), International Federation of Photographic Art (FIAP) and The Royal Photographic Society (RPS). The PIPA received patronage for all sections from PSA, FIAP and RPS. PIPA is organized by PhotoVivo Singapore, a photography organization with more than 8000 members. The objective of PIPA is to serve as a platform for photographers from all over the world, across all language and cultural barriers, to share their works in a common medium being photography. There are 4 sections with more than 120 awards to vie for, with the coveted Kwek Leng Joo Medal for Best Performance in the PhotoVivo Singapore International Photography Award (PIPA) going to the photographer who has shown very good results with the highest score from the various sections, terms and conditions applies. There will be cash awards for Best of Sections in all 4 sections. 各界摄影师和摄影爱好者,欢迎你们参加本届沙龙,呈现你们最佳作品,有一百二十个奖项及现金等待你赢取。 PIPA 是由PhotoVivo 新加坡呈现。本会会员达八千人。PIPA中指是利用摄影这门艺术来促进各界摄影爱好者的友情及分享个人的作品。 本沙龙是根据美国摄影学会(PSA),国际影艺联盟(FIAP)及英国皇家摄影学会(RPS)所订沙龙规章办理。入选作品可申请列入摄影家名录及星级记分。入选作品也受AFIAP及 EFIAP名衔所承认。